Saturday, June 6, 2020

Beware of "Frenemies"

Not quite long ago, I was discussing with a friend about friendship and relationship.

She related an experience she'd had with a "friend" not quite long.

Nkiruka (my friend) had a surgery; a complicated surgery at that. It was quite a scary and complex medical procedure.
No one believed she would survive the operation. Everyone  was praying she comes out of it successfully.

 Lo and behold ,after two months of in and out of coma, she muttered her first word"Chi-chi-chi-sim".
Yes, Chisom is the name of her last baby,πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ! Haa! At last!
Anyways, to the rest of the story, thankfully, she was discharged from the hospital.

 One fateful morning,  after three months of discharging her from the hospital,
Nkiruka went to buy groceries and coincidentally met an acquaintance.

On sighting Nkiruka, the acquaintance lady suddenly shouted" blood of Jesus" "Jesus" "Thank you Jesus",she leaned closer to Nkurika , intensely and lovely hugged her, still mystified, asked her to turn around thrice to ensure she's  the same one.

Nkiruka was  taken aback😨😨,surprised and at the same time baffled by the wholesomeness of the intimacy. 

She was curious;What could have made this woman to be all over me in this joyful mood this hot afternoon?

Accordingly, the acquaintance  informed her that her supposed friend " waka" came to her house and told her how Nkiruka was almost dead and how everyone was praying she'd survived the surgery.

Nkiruka: please which of my friends?

Acquaintance : Ngozika, nah!

Nkiruka:mouth πŸ‘„πŸ‘„πŸ‘„hung up! Please, which of the Ngozika?

Acquaintance : Why are you opening your mouth and closing?

Nkiruka: I am shock. Infact, astonished or is it bewildered,  I mean which of the word is more appropriate?

Acquaintance : maka why?

Nkiruka : Maka na Ngozika did not call me throughout  my stay in the hospital and never visited even after I was discharged.

Acquaintance : gbege πŸ‘️πŸ‘️πŸ‘️πŸ‘️πŸ‘️!

With that shock and astonishment, Nkiruka stated she left the scene more confused.

This really got me thinking. I have had similar experience in the past. I almost lost someone dear  to me in the cold hands of death.
 This particular "friend" had gone to tell other friends and broke the news to them without calling or visiting us.

Few months after, almost everyone that had visited, did so because the supposed "friend" informed them about the incidence and I was wondering why someone would take pain and efforts to share bad news without first showing same concern to the affected person.

" Frenemies"does not really care about you. They care more about the information they want to pass to people(whether good or bad news).

 They regularly check up on you,not because they truly care, mbakwa πŸ™…πŸ™…πŸ™…πŸ™…,Far from it!

They do so solely to know  if they are better off or if most probably,you are still in the same level with them. Sometimes, these are the people you've stuck out your neck for uncountably.

In essence, they have benefitted in one way or the other from their victims. They pretend to be loyal but are snakes🐍🐍🐍 in human form.

Sometimes, they bring in stories about other people to keep up with the Joneses but they have a target;they are not real  friends, they are scammers, and bad news.

 It takes real wisdom to fish them out and literally let them go.

Photo credits: Goggle.

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The girl child  ! The girl child !πŸ‘©‍πŸ­πŸ‘©‍πŸ­πŸ‘©‍πŸ’»πŸ‘©‍πŸŽ“ She's awesomely created . She's beautifully interwoven and specially cura...