Saturday, June 6, 2020

The Empathy Project Fellowship

Mini Action Research Project
Fall 2018

Action Researcher: Ikeh Ogechukwu Ruth

Location of School : Lagos ,Nigeria .

Grade of Students : Grade 4.

Step 1: My students exhibit empathy and demonstrate value of multiple  perspectives  by TAKING TURNS .

Step 2: Examples of skills ,competencies  that students can demonstrate empathy are:

1. Observation

2. Mutual support

3. Respectful environment

4. Listening

5.Effective communication


7. Patience

8.Taking turns .

Step 3: Four students were interviewed ,and their names are:

1. Uzoma Chisom ( Male )

2. Akpan Chiamaka  ( Female )

3. Inem Itoro  ( Female )

4. Nzeruo Emmanuel ( Male )

Step 4:
My learners tried as much as possible to give a listening ear to their counterparts during virtual exchange. At a point ,we had a network interruption ,my beautiful and amazing learners were patient enough throughout the time .

5.The Results: Positive interactions ,respectful communication are very important during and after virtual exchange .

In addition, patience is a rare attribute and need to be cultivated in everyday interactions with people .

My learners ,myself ,school ,community ,media will all benefit from this unique characteristic of Patience .

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