Saturday, June 6, 2020

Educators' Facilitating As Part Of My Social Impact Initiative!#sdgs4

A popular adage I came to love says:

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, it will live it's whole life believing that it is stupid. "

Hence,to get the best from our learners, it's important that educators are equipped with the right tools needed to enhance the bright future of their learners.

Having work in an underserved school for almost two years now, my partner and I thought it fit to look for avenues to continue our social impact initiative  through teacher's training on the use of  21st century teaching skills and pedagogical method to truly enhance teaching skills especially in these community.

We had the privileged to facilitate a staff of 25 teachers.
The training was meant to last just for an hour but due to the interest of our dear esteemed educators to find answers to their questions as regarding to their classroom and relationship with pupils, the training eventually lasted for another 2 hours.

To say the least;I was deeply grateful on how far I have come.

Do you Care to be part of this movement?  Are you a teacher in an underserved school and feel to acquire more knowledge and skills ? Are you a school owner who care to move your school to the next level? 

Cease this opportunity, it is absolutely  free of charge for now.

All you need to do is to send us an email at or or better still DM me on my Facebook account.
Together we move to the right direction towards our educational goals.
#sdgs #empatico#globaleducator#livingdreams

Here are some of the pictures:

And the learners of the school photo bombed... 😂

I love public speaking! 

My humble self doing what I know best!  Not a joke! 

My Partner, Michael during his part! 

                      The Staff  of the school

                           See you all soon!

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The girl child  ! The girl child !👩‍🏭👩‍🏭👩‍💻👩‍🎓 She's awesomely created . She's beautifully interwoven and specially cura...