Saturday, June 6, 2020

I Have Been Nominated As A Global Ambassador For Teach SDGs Cohort 3(2019).

Yes!  Yes!  We made it. 

I Ogechukwu Ikeh (Mrs) was nominated as an ambassador for Teach SDGs cohort 3(2019) .

 Oh Yeah! I know that face. 
You are wondering, what's TeachSDGs and what am I ambassadoring?... 😂😂😂lol.
OK, let me explain.

In September 2015, world leaders agreed to 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development which could mean an end to extreme poverty, inequalities and climate change by 2030. The Sustainable Development Goals follow the Millennium Development Goals. 

Each of the 17 Goals are broken down into targets which both explain the goal and will help in focusing efforts.

Theses goals are set out to make the world a little safer, cleaner and better.

Below are lists of TeachSDGs goals:

My job as a TeachSDGs ambassador is to widen the horizon through well thought-out  exercise on dissemination of information as well as engaging in activities to ensure that the  SDGs goals are met.

 Simply put, doing my best, creating endeavors to effectively contribute my quota both in educational and social sector through empowerment,information, education, teaching and research. 

That is to :
"Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all".

am sure you are asking a question in your mindhow may I be of help, how can you add input to TeachSDGs?
It's very simple and straight. 
Anytime you stretch out a hand of of kindness to lift another being, you are part of this great movement. 

A little, compassion, empathy, love, cleanliness, giving of alm, participating in environmental cleanliness, training your kids to efficiently throw away the garbage instead of doing that on the road,you are doing something towards that goal. You are really contributing. 

Well-done on all you are doing.

 Let's do more, let's intentionally and deliberately keep our environment a little cleaner or may be a little safer. 

                                        IT'S TIME! 


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