Monday, June 29, 2020

The girl child  ! The girl child !👩‍🏭👩‍🏭👩‍💻👩‍🎓

She's awesomely created .

She's beautifully interwoven and specially curated !

The girl child is smart and unique.

The girl child matters!

Dear educators and everyone,
Let's continue to teach the girl child real values. The values that stem from real self esteem.
The values that come from  inner strength, independent   thinking and creativity.

She needs to be protected from wolves in form of human.
She  needs to learn self defense and protection  from unscrupulous elements.

The girl child must be taught to speak up and confide in people whom she trusts.

The girl child does not deserve to be raped or sexually molested. She deserves all protection, also the Male child.

The girl child matters.

She's entitled to live her  life in the purest form.
Let's continue to guide and protect the girl
 child .

@Educational Psychologist,
Nne Oge .


Sunday, June 7, 2020

25 Tips of Living A Beautiful Life. (Video)

This is a video of tips (living a beautiful  life).
I hope you'll  like it...
A good way to start your morning.

Credit: Facebook/

                       Good morning fellas. 

"I Look So Young Because I Laugh A Lot" - Adesua Etomi


Actress Adesua Etomi,the wife of popular musician, Banky W shared this adorable photo which according to her, reveals her truest form.

Here's what She wrote;

“Amo Shine…My Teeth!!!
I laugh a lot…i think it’s the reason i look so young 
I really like this picture…it captures me in my truest form
#oshe #philosophical #itsreallyjustvanity”

Photo below:

                        beautiful  lady! 

Have You Seen The Longest Chinese Glass Bridge That China Opened? ( Photos)

China has officially opened the longest glass-bottomed suspension bridge in the world.
 The bridge is located in the Hebei Province’s Hongyagu Scenic Area.

The bridge, which is a test of a tourist’s bravery spans 488 meter (1,600 feet) over a vertical drop of 218 meters (715 feet).  Tourists were spotted trooping to the bridge to have the idea of what it feels like walking at a height with a view of the earth underneath.

“Hongyagu glass suspension bridge marks the 2.0 era for China’s glass-bottomed bridge,” says Yang Minghua, the chairman of Hebei’s Bailu Group, which created the span linking two peaks in the mountainous region of northeastern China.

See photos below :

            What a beautiful  sight! 

Stop Worrying About What People Think (photo)


If you do good, people will talk, do bad, people will still talk... Would you stop? 
 Hell no! 
 The same people who criticized your intentions will be the first to congratulate  you when you finally made it. 

Keep walking! !!

Photo credit: Facebook. 

Good morning fellas

University Of Lagos Produce Three First Class Students.... Wow!

The University of Lagos has set a record as the first Nigerian University to produce 3 best graduating students with CGPA of 4.97. The three students are Jeffrey Jude, Roy-Layinde Bosun, and Oludare Babawale.

A total of 12,638 students will be awarded their degrees, diplomas, and certificates.

Out of these, 53.9% were first degrees or diploma holders while 46.1% are for postgraduate degrees. 245 are in the first class division, 1892 are in the Second Class Upper Division, and 2959 are in the Second Class Lower Division.

In addition, 1227 had Third Class, 93 had pass degrees while 400 had degrees or diplomas that were not classified., 1227 had Third Class, 93 had pass degrees while 400 had degrees or diplomas that were not classified.
21-years old Jeffrey Jude is a student from the Department of Biochemistry.
Babawale Oludare is a student of Chemistry

21 years Bosun Larinde is a student from the department of Chemical engineering.

Credit: Unilag blog.

  First class achievement is quite not easy, I know  because I know.... Lol... 
I wish them success in all their endeavours. Congratulations to them. 

Eleven Things To Note About Meghan Markle,The Duchess Of Sussex(Photos)


It was clearly a memorable moments, yesterday,May 19th,when Meghan Markle,Her Royal Highness, the Duchess Of Sussex married prince Harry .

Here are things to note about the Duchess:

1. Meghan was an American former actress.

2. She came from a poor family background.

3. She's half black.

4. Meghan is the only child to her mum.

5. Her mum gave her the pet name" flower".

6. She is a humanitarian,thus she's into charity work.

7. Prince Harry refused to sign a prenuptial agreement. He's steadfast the marriage will last.

8. Meghan is 36years while Prince Harry is 33years.

9.Meghan met prince on a blind date initiated by her friend.

10. She worked as a freelancer calligrapher.

11. Her mother,Doria Ragland is a yoga instructor and social worker.

Below are photos of some of the wedding guest :

                           The Beckams

                       Serena Williams 

                        Oprah Winfrey 

Catherine, the Duchess Of Cambridge 

 Doria Ragland, mother of the bride. 

Amal and George Clooney

Here's  the evening dress for wedding reception:



Virtual Classroom ; A Case Study Of COVID 19

What is a virtual classroom to the common man? 
 Virtual classroom is the process of imparting  knowledge to leverage learning outcome through the use of technology.

A virtual classroom is also a teaching and learning environment where participants can interact, communicate, view and discuss presentations, and engage with learning resources while working in groups, all in an online setting.

 The medium is often through a video conferencing application that allows multiple users to be connected at the same time through the Internet, which allows users from virtually anywhere to participate.
Some of the virtual classroom tools are: Goggle classroom, Edmodo, Zoom, Seesaw, the use of radio and television, animation, white board animations , the use of wassap,amongst others.

Unfortunately, COVID 19 has frustrated a lot of  businesses. The pandemic has caused more harm to the world. There has been a total lock down of economic activities in almost all part of the world.

 To make it worse,schools are shut down. The pre-nursery,nursery, primary,secondary and tertiary institutions are affected ,not to say the least. This means that ,for every business that involves any form of formal learning is adversely affected. This ranges from janitorial services, to plumbing,to  health, banking down to also the  drivers.

 However,what about learning? Learning has to still to take place ,unfortunately to the affordable few.
Then ,what happens to learners who cannot afford the use of technology ? What can we do to assist? Its quite very unfortunate.That's a question to ponder over.

Nevertheless, like I rightly mentioned , learning has to place. Most schools adopted the virtual means which is  otherwise known as  online classroom.
The truth of the matter is that teaching online is particularly more challenging than the physical classroom.This borders on the use of technology,effective  classroom management,use of  feedback such as  assessments, quizzes, intervention programmes and what have you.

The reality is that virtual classroom has come to say. It is either the society do all we can to accommodate everyone irrespective of gender, class, ethnicity and background.its quite imperative or we become obsolete.

 Advantages of Virtual Classroom:

  1. Learning is taking place.
  2. It is a 21st teaching methodology.Therefore, a modern tool for learning.
  3. Learning is fun.
  4. Parents are fully involved.

Disadvantages of Virtual Classroom

  1. Not everyone has access to virtual learning
  2. Because you dealing with young learners, the educator may not meet the affective and psycho-motor domain of learning as much as possible.
  3. It mostly concentrated to the cognitive, to a larger extent.
  4. The parents are involved now, sometimes you may not really know if its the child or the parents that provided the feedback as the assignment.


  1. There should be sensitization on the imperatives of virtual classroom to all concerned.
  2. More awareness needs to be created.
  3. There should be a reinforced and flexible approach to learning especially for the learners who often than not, may not afford virtual form of learning.
  4. The government must review the cost of data and possibly step in to cushion the effect.

I am the  Queen of Educational Psychology.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

American Pop Star, Beyonce Owns A Church In New Orleans.

American pop superstar Beyonce Knowles is now the owner of a church situated in New Orleans.

The 7,500 sq stone structure situated in Big Easy was built in the early 1900s but has been out of commission for a while after some of its members passed away.

The church which is not also far from her sister Solange‘s apartment was listed at $850,000 .

Source: TMZ.

The Federal Government Has Changed Democracy Day From 29Th May To June 12.

President  Buhari has declared  June 12 as public holiday.
In the statement issued out yesterday, the presidency has moved Democracy day from from May 29 to 12Th June. This is  in order  to consolidate the efforts and struggle of the late presidential candidate, M. K. O. Abiola in ensuring that we have the democracy of today.

Read the statement below:

Beware of "Frenemies"

Not quite long ago, I was discussing with a friend about friendship and relationship.

She related an experience she'd had with a "friend" not quite long.

Nkiruka (my friend) had a surgery; a complicated surgery at that. It was quite a scary and complex medical procedure.
No one believed she would survive the operation. Everyone  was praying she comes out of it successfully.

 Lo and behold ,after two months of in and out of coma, she muttered her first word"Chi-chi-chi-sim".
Yes, Chisom is the name of her last baby,🙌🙌🙌! Haa! At last!
Anyways, to the rest of the story, thankfully, she was discharged from the hospital.

 One fateful morning,  after three months of discharging her from the hospital,
Nkiruka went to buy groceries and coincidentally met an acquaintance.

On sighting Nkiruka, the acquaintance lady suddenly shouted" blood of Jesus" "Jesus" "Thank you Jesus",she leaned closer to Nkurika , intensely and lovely hugged her, still mystified, asked her to turn around thrice to ensure she's  the same one.

Nkiruka was  taken aback😨😨,surprised and at the same time baffled by the wholesomeness of the intimacy. 

She was curious;What could have made this woman to be all over me in this joyful mood this hot afternoon?

Accordingly, the acquaintance  informed her that her supposed friend " waka" came to her house and told her how Nkiruka was almost dead and how everyone was praying she'd survived the surgery.

Nkiruka: please which of my friends?

Acquaintance : Ngozika, nah!

Nkiruka:mouth 👄👄👄hung up! Please, which of the Ngozika?

Acquaintance : Why are you opening your mouth and closing?

Nkiruka: I am shock. Infact, astonished or is it bewildered,  I mean which of the word is more appropriate?

Acquaintance : maka why?

Nkiruka : Maka na Ngozika did not call me throughout  my stay in the hospital and never visited even after I was discharged.

Acquaintance : gbege 👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️!

With that shock and astonishment, Nkiruka stated she left the scene more confused.

This really got me thinking. I have had similar experience in the past. I almost lost someone dear  to me in the cold hands of death.
 This particular "friend" had gone to tell other friends and broke the news to them without calling or visiting us.

Few months after, almost everyone that had visited, did so because the supposed "friend" informed them about the incidence and I was wondering why someone would take pain and efforts to share bad news without first showing same concern to the affected person.

" Frenemies"does not really care about you. They care more about the information they want to pass to people(whether good or bad news).

 They regularly check up on you,not because they truly care, mbakwa 🙅🙅🙅🙅,Far from it!

They do so solely to know  if they are better off or if most probably,you are still in the same level with them. Sometimes, these are the people you've stuck out your neck for uncountably.

In essence, they have benefitted in one way or the other from their victims. They pretend to be loyal but are snakes🐍🐍🐍 in human form.

Sometimes, they bring in stories about other people to keep up with the Joneses but they have a target;they are not real  friends, they are scammers, and bad news.

 It takes real wisdom to fish them out and literally let them go.

Photo credits: Goggle.

The Empathy Project Fellowship

Mini Action Research Project
Fall 2018

Action Researcher: Ikeh Ogechukwu Ruth

Location of School : Lagos ,Nigeria .

Grade of Students : Grade 4.

Step 1: My students exhibit empathy and demonstrate value of multiple  perspectives  by TAKING TURNS .

Step 2: Examples of skills ,competencies  that students can demonstrate empathy are:

1. Observation

2. Mutual support

3. Respectful environment

4. Listening

5.Effective communication


7. Patience

8.Taking turns .

Step 3: Four students were interviewed ,and their names are:

1. Uzoma Chisom ( Male )

2. Akpan Chiamaka  ( Female )

3. Inem Itoro  ( Female )

4. Nzeruo Emmanuel ( Male )

Step 4:
My learners tried as much as possible to give a listening ear to their counterparts during virtual exchange. At a point ,we had a network interruption ,my beautiful and amazing learners were patient enough throughout the time .

5.The Results: Positive interactions ,respectful communication are very important during and after virtual exchange .

In addition, patience is a rare attribute and need to be cultivated in everyday interactions with people .

My learners ,myself ,school ,community ,media will all benefit from this unique characteristic of Patience .

Educators' Facilitating As Part Of My Social Impact Initiative!#sdgs4

A popular adage I came to love says:

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, it will live it's whole life believing that it is stupid. "

Hence,to get the best from our learners, it's important that educators are equipped with the right tools needed to enhance the bright future of their learners.

Having work in an underserved school for almost two years now, my partner and I thought it fit to look for avenues to continue our social impact initiative  through teacher's training on the use of  21st century teaching skills and pedagogical method to truly enhance teaching skills especially in these community.

We had the privileged to facilitate a staff of 25 teachers.
The training was meant to last just for an hour but due to the interest of our dear esteemed educators to find answers to their questions as regarding to their classroom and relationship with pupils, the training eventually lasted for another 2 hours.

To say the least;I was deeply grateful on how far I have come.

Do you Care to be part of this movement?  Are you a teacher in an underserved school and feel to acquire more knowledge and skills ? Are you a school owner who care to move your school to the next level? 

Cease this opportunity, it is absolutely  free of charge for now.

All you need to do is to send us an email at or or better still DM me on my Facebook account.
Together we move to the right direction towards our educational goals.
#sdgs #empatico#globaleducator#livingdreams

Here are some of the pictures:

And the learners of the school photo bombed... 😂

I love public speaking! 

My humble self doing what I know best!  Not a joke! 

My Partner, Michael during his part! 

                      The Staff  of the school

                           See you all soon!

I Have Been Nominated As A Global Ambassador For Teach SDGs Cohort 3(2019).

Yes!  Yes!  We made it. 

I Ogechukwu Ikeh (Mrs) was nominated as an ambassador for Teach SDGs cohort 3(2019) .

 Oh Yeah! I know that face. 
You are wondering, what's TeachSDGs and what am I ambassadoring?... 😂😂😂lol.
OK, let me explain.

In September 2015, world leaders agreed to 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development which could mean an end to extreme poverty, inequalities and climate change by 2030. The Sustainable Development Goals follow the Millennium Development Goals. 

Each of the 17 Goals are broken down into targets which both explain the goal and will help in focusing efforts.

Theses goals are set out to make the world a little safer, cleaner and better.

Below are lists of TeachSDGs goals:

My job as a TeachSDGs ambassador is to widen the horizon through well thought-out  exercise on dissemination of information as well as engaging in activities to ensure that the  SDGs goals are met.

 Simply put, doing my best, creating endeavors to effectively contribute my quota both in educational and social sector through empowerment,information, education, teaching and research. 

That is to :
"Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all".

am sure you are asking a question in your mindhow may I be of help, how can you add input to TeachSDGs?
It's very simple and straight. 
Anytime you stretch out a hand of of kindness to lift another being, you are part of this great movement. 

A little, compassion, empathy, love, cleanliness, giving of alm, participating in environmental cleanliness, training your kids to efficiently throw away the garbage instead of doing that on the road,you are doing something towards that goal. You are really contributing. 

Well-done on all you are doing.

 Let's do more, let's intentionally and deliberately keep our environment a little cleaner or may be a little safer. 

                                        IT'S TIME! 


A Beautiful Monday; Better Mindset(Photos)

We thank God for another  day .
Yes,a positive mindset  is all that matters!

As we all are stepping out to our various offices, businesses, school, work ;
 bear in mind that you can achieve at least majority of what you want to achieve by having the right set of mind.
A positive mindset enables thinking ahead and weathering any storm.
In all you do, work with positive mindset.

Photo credit: fearless motivation. com and anonymously from Facebook. 

Good morning fellas! 

Friday, June 5, 2020

Media Entrepreneur And Blogger, Linda Ikeji,Has More Information For Her Fans... Read Up!...smh!

The Nigeria foremost blogger, Linda Ikeji has address comments concerning her pregnancy,her generosity and backlash on buying her house in Banana Island.

Read below:

(How to hide a baby bump 101. Suck belle in and wear a high waist…lol).
So, a few friends have been calling me, asking me how I’m holding up with all the trolling on the internet since I announced my pregnancy. I kind of felt bad for them because they were worrying over something I wasn’t. I’ve been on the internet for nearly 12 years now, I’ve made money, I’ve met amazing people, I’ve written about folks and stepped on toes (mostly of course, unknowingly…lol). So when people troll me, that’s fine. It’s called Karma. Lol.
Fortunately it doesn’t get to me.
There’s nothing I haven’t been called on the internet, and it will never stop because this is where I plan to do business for the rest of my life! So we all are stuck together. I’m not going anywhere…lol.

So let’s address some issues…and the reason why I bother is for the young girls who look up to me. I owe you and will always speak to help you in anyway I can because I want you to shine and be the better version of yourself.

So number one, let’s talk about this celibacy issue. I preached it a lot of times but I have NEVER said do not have sex before marriage. Here’s what I have always said to young girls and I maintain it.

1.Never ever give your body to a man for money. You’re worth so much more than that. You’re beautiful beyond measure and there’s absolutely nothing a man can give you that you can’t give urself if you apply yourself, believe in yourself and work hard. Start now that you’re young, pursue your dreams, work hard till your hands are sore and ur mind is tired, never listen to anyone who tells you you’re not good enough or you’re wasting your time, and no matter how hard it gets, no matter how rough the road becomes, never give up on yourself or your dreams.

2. I’ve always also said & I maintain it; do not sleep around because your body is too precious & deserves respect. You deserve love & dignity. You deserve love & dignity. I’ve always said sex should only happen when you find yourself in a loving relationship, with someone you love & who loves you back. I was 100% celibate until I was ready to share my life with someone and I met the man of my dreams. (unfortunately, I can’t share him with the

Here’s the next thing I want to address. Most of the people who know me will tell you that I have a heart of gold and maybe that’s why God never stops blessing me. This woman (you know who…lol) has been trolling me for years and calling me all sorts of unprintable names which I have never responded to. But when she cried out for help last year, despite the abuses I’ve gotten from her, I sent money to her account. I harbor no hate for anyone, no matter what. And I swear I would have sent more money to her if people around me hadn’t stopped me. I just felt pity for her that she was languishing in prison and no one to help her. And not only did I send money (which I did privately and she made public), I called a few people I know to see what they could do to help bring her out of prison. No matter what, she is a woman, and I am all about women supporting women.

She wrote that I am wearing a prosthetic baby bump…lol. Like I could get away with that in Nigeria? And some folks actually believe it…lol. If I couldn’t have a child, I would proudly adopt. Proudly. I love children so much.
I was just hiding the baby bump until I got to my second trimester before letting you amazing people know. I could have continued hiding it to be honest but I just couldn’t keep calm…lol. I’ve had the easiest pregnancy with no swelling and no issues and I thank God.

Lastly, here’s something I want to say to everyone. I remember when I bought my house in Banana Island in 2015, many didn’t believe it. In fact one tweet said ‘If you believe that Linda Ikeji owns a home in Banana Island, I seriously doubt your higher institution certificate’. That’s how much they doubted God’s blessings…lol

Sometimes in life, all you just need is to shut up but she feeds from this, right?... Lol. 

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Ogun State Commissioner Of Education Visits Fellows Of Teach For Nigeria Schools(Photos)

It was a beautiful and intriguing sight to behold when the commissioner of Education,Mrs Modupe Mujota visited fellows of Teach Nigeria in their various schools in Ogun state, last week. 

With her is the C.E.O. of Teach For Nigeria,the charming and beautiful Miss Folawe.

Teach For Nigeria is an international
 non governmental organization.
 Teach for Nigeria commenced in educational development and collaboration in Nigeria since last year June,2107.
 Their motto" One day, every Nigerian Child will have the opportunity  to attain  an excellent  education" has been the motivating force in selecting 45 fellows who are leaders  from diverse academic disciplines. They canvass and act for excellence  in the education standards of Nigeria. They are change makers in our educational sector.

Teach for Nigeria partners with Schools in Lagos and Ogun state.
They recently hired hundreds  of vibrant,hardworking,dynamic and energetic young Nigerian as fellows in order to extend educational,
transformational impact in other states of the Federation.

One of the board members, Nike De-Souza ,C.E.O of Teach For Nigeria, Miss Folawe and Coach, MrsTiti during the visit to Ogun state fellows, Mr Yusuf and Mr David. 

Globally, there are Teach for Nigeria, Teach For Uganda, Teach For Canada, Teach For Ghana amongst others.

Picture credit: Teach for Nigeria.
Well-done,Teach for Nigeria. Education(whether informal or formal) remains the only tool to achieve greatness in any part of the society. 
  Keep it up, people! 

The girl child  ! The girl child !👩‍🏭👩‍🏭👩‍💻👩‍🎓 She's awesomely created . She's beautifully interwoven and specially cura...